Tuesday, July 7, 2009


the past couple of days I have really been trying this perspective, without much luck, I have had many good teachers and have watched and rewatched dvd's, I have read so many books, I always think I am onto something, then NAH..nothing..I feel so damn thick, this page is one I have been studying, pretty straightforward, looks easy, but I just can't put it on the paper.
Once I get this obstacle out of my way, I should be all set. I can't even properly find the eye level, it is so frustrating.



  1. I totally understand how you feel. I checked out the site and it is pretty impressive stuff. But, the fact is, no matter how well it is explained...I simply don't get it either. I gave up trying to get it so I could just keep on enjoying the process of drawing. I decided it was too frustrating. I hope you have a break through and 'get it'.

  2. oh thank you, I have too given up, many times, but i really need to learn it to do the things i want to do.It has been a great barrier to my growth.it is nice to know someone can comiserate with me.

  3. I can't do perspective either and it eludes me. Like you, I think I get it, but then don't. If I wanted to be an architect I might keep trying but I too have decided art isn't fun any more if I live by all the rules. One lady in my plein air group said I have to know it. Apparentley I don't as I am still doing my art.

    I also knew an art teacher who said you have to learn anatomy if you want to do people, dog or other animal anatomy for drawing them. Well I think I do a pretty good job without learning anatomy. I don't want to build a dog, I want to draw it. And if it isn't completely spot on, then just consider it is my interpretation of a dog. The dog doesn't complain.

    Good luck tho. For me, I want to have fun.

  4. lol..that is true jeanne..when i start getting too aggravated i give up again and go back to something fun..but always find myself coming back to this issue..I hope to overcome it eventually
